How the Templars influenced one of the most critical modern novels - The Da Vinci Code

The Knights Templar and Assassin's Creed Leiendo How the Templars influenced one of the most critical modern novels - The Da Vinci Code 3 minutos Siguiente The best books on the Knights Templar

The Knights of Templar was a large organization of devoted Christians during the medieval era c1118. It was founded by a French knight named Hugues de Payens who, with the help of other acquaintances, ordered a group of soldiers to set headquarters on Jerusalem's temple mount for Christians, and they all pledged to protect the Christians who come to visit the sacred temple.

The Knights of the Templar, even after their dissolution in the 12th century, continued to have a significant impact on politics, the economy, and especially literature. Notably, the critically acclaimed novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. In this novel, the "Da Vinci Code " the Templars were ordered to retrieve very secretive documents buried under the temple. Those documents prove the relation between Jesus Christ and Magdalene. They were also ordered to protect the visitors who come to the holy temple. Moreover, Those documents also served a blackmail material against the pope. In response to the blackmail, this latter bestowed upon them a myriad of rights that allowed them to live in a voracious manner. The book also tackles the impact of the templars on modern organizations like Freemasonry. Notably, when Robert, the novel's protagonist, expressed that" [Freemasonry] primary degrees — Apprentice Freemason, Fellowcraft Freemason, and Master Mason — harked back to early Templar days."

Furthermore, the dissolution of the templars in the book is similar to the one in real life. The templars' excessive form of living drew attention to their goals and the nature of their wealth. In the book and in real life, this latter was cultivated by doing favours for various kings and powerful politicians at that time in exchange for ravenous gifts in the forms of lands, kingdoms, and others. However, just as the templars cultivated wealth, they also cultivated jealousy. For that reason, several powerful figures, including their patrons, rallied against the templars and eventually succeeded in disbanding them. All in all, this juxtaposition of events in Da Vinci's code shed light on just how influenced the book was by this group of templars who vowed to protect the Christian pilgrim as well as serve their personal goals. The Templars continued to influence, up to this date, numerous political and economic organizations as well as works of research and literature.

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