How to Become a Freemason

We have noticed some recent questions on how to become a Freemason on our blog. In this blog post, we’ll tell you all that you need to know about becoming a Freemason.

If you join the Freemason Brotherhood, you are joining the largest and oldest fraternity in the world. You will become part of a Brotherhood that has over 2 million people from all countries, religions, races and age.  

First, you need to look for a Masonic lodge near you. The internet will be of help in helping you find one as they are all listed online. Then you’ll contact them and ask them for a petition.

Why do so many people become Freemasons?

Freemasonry is a voluntary Brotherhood. It is made up of good men with an enviable reputation, good character, and a good will. Most of them believe in God, the Supreme Creator and the Master Architect of the Universe. They believe in practicing the spirit of the universal brotherhood to man.

Freemasonry fills up a missing a part in most men. That missing part could be spiritual, social, philosophical, historical or a missing sense of community. Within the Brotherhood, you will find that missing intrinsic part of you.

Mission of Freemasons

Freemasons have the mission of building a better world through the worthwhile process of building up better men to live in the world. The motto of Freemasons is ‘Better men make a better world.’  

Principles that you will learn when you become a Freemason

You will learn the values of brotherly love to all men. You will learn the principle of charitable relief for those that are in need. You will learn how to be a good citizen and the principles of morality.    

What type of fraternity is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is an educational, charitable Brotherhood that builds good character and social values amongst men. Freemasonry ideal is the Brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.

Freemasonry and Masonic Education

Freemasonry teaches its members morality through various symbols and ceremonies. Members of the Brotherhood undergo continuous Masonic education as they get more enlightened.

The building of a Man’s character

Every Masonic activity is purposeful, and it teaches the value of personal responsibility and personal integrity. There are 3 degrees in the Masonic Lodges, and the highest degree of all is the Master Mason degree.

All Freemasons are expected to put in efforts to improve their community and advance human welfare. They are expected to inspire their members and promote goodwill and charity for all of mankind and translate their principles and convictions into actions.

What you will learn if you become a Freemason

In the Brotherhood, you will be taught Biblical history from the time of King Solomon’s Temple all through the Middle Ages. You will learn how Masonic Grand Orient Lodges and Masonic Speculative Lodges were formed in each country.

Historical events do not have perfectly accurate records but we know that the Grand Lodges were formed in Scotland in 1736, England in 1717, the United States in 1730, France in 1728 and Ireland in 1725.

You will learn more about the Holy Scriptures, and the deeper meanings of some things will become clearer to you. You will learn more about these people and their failures and successes. You will learn more about the Supreme Creator and Master Architect.         

Will I be forced, pressurized or strongly persuaded to become a Freemason?

No. No one will attempt to chat you up anonymously, and you won’t get any spam emails on the benefits of becoming a Freemason. Everything is voluntary. Anyone that wants to become a Freemason joins of his own free will. In some jurisdictions in England and the United States, anyone that wants to become a Freemason will be invited to join by a someone in the Brotherhood that believes that the person is someone that should join. 

So, everyone joins of their free will. Anyone that wants to become a Free Mason must have his background investigated regardless of if he requested to be admitted or if he was invited. After the investigation, he will be balloted upon by the brethren in his Lodge.

Will I learn Masonic Lodge secrets and Freemasons secrets if I join Freemasons?

Yes, you will. But you will be disappointed if learning secrets is all you joined the Brotherhood for. Freemason secrets are the passwords, ritual work, grips and penal signs.

Most of the craft of Freemasons can be found in various Holy Books around the world like the Old Charges which are old Manuscripts, Freemason books and Old Lodge Charters that are as old as 1390. You can start your journey to becoming a Freemason by reading the blog posts on Bricks Masons blog section.  

Is it true that Freemasonry is satanic and that I will be required to take part in pagan rites? Is Freemasonry part of the New World Order like what those videos on YouTube say?

The simple truth is that Freemasonry has existed for several hundred years all through several civilizations, wars and historical transitions.

Freemasons could have attempted to take over the world during any of those periods if they were interested in that. But of course, you can take this to mean that Freemasons weren’t good at planning or they are not interested in it at all. You can also ponder on the fact that Masonic secrets are still closely guarded after several hundred years from Freemasons and non-Freemasons.

Is Freemasonry a secret cult or society?

Most Freemasons do not hide their membership of the society and wear their Masonic rings, lapel pins and Masonic apparel proudly. They even display Masonic emblems on their vehicles proudly.

Masonic activities and events are recorded in magazines and newspapers and Officers are listed. All charity works and events are made public and well-attended by both Masons and non-Masons. 

The secret nature of Freemasonry is largely ceremonial in nature. Freemasons meet in Masonic halls and temples which address can be found easily. Their addresses are not hidden from people.

There is a Grand Lodge in every Jurisdiction. Every state of the United States has a Grand Lodge. You can also find a Grand Lodge in several other countries of the world. Subordinate lodges are under the jurisdiction of these Grand Lodges. Most of the Grand Lodges and subordinate Lodges have their websites.

There have been some TV shows and books that make claims that Freemasons used their tools to remove the cornerstone to the American’s Capitol without letting anyone notice. But no, Freemasonry secrets remain within the Lodge and not anywhere else.

All Freemasonry meetings and ritual are from ancient ceremonies that have been practiced for hundreds of years.

Will I learn about Masonic pentagrams in Washington DC., anti-Christian beliefs, Satanic agendas, anti-Bible beliefs and other Masonic conspiracies if I become a member?

No, you will not. Nothing of such exists. If you join the fraternity solely to learn about the occult and other supposed Masonic secrets, you will be disappointed.

Is Freemasonry a religion?

No, Freemasonry encompasses all religions and welcome people from all religions.

Is Freemasonry anti-Christian?   

No, Freemasonry is not anti-Christian.

Will I need to change my religion or stop practicing religion if I become a Freemason?

No. Freemasons believe in the Brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God. Only religious people can understand this concept well. In most Masonic jurisdictions, only those that who believe in God, the Supreme Creator of the Universe can be allowed to be members.

Freemasonry is not a church or a mosque or a tabernacle or a synagogue. It is not a substitute for any of those. There are no specific religions mentioned in Masonic prayers and Masonic ceremonies.  

Freemasonry is not restricted to any sect, and it is not affiliated to any religious denomination. We believe that a man’s religion is his business. Most active Freemasons are religious men.

Most Lodges in the United States use the Holy Bible, and those of other faiths can request that the Koran, Torah and any other religious book be placed beside the Bible during Lodge meetings. There are lodges that have several sacred books to accommodate the different religions of members. Lodges that have members from a specific religion alone can choose to use the sacred book of that religion alone.

Is A Masonic Bible Different From Other Bibles in the Market?

No. Masonic bibles are the same as other Bibles. But a lot of Masonic bibles have their preface page filled in with the dates that the owners received their degrees. Some also contain a Biblical Index or Study Guide to help their owners understand various Masonic symbols, Biblical verses and phrases used in Freemasonry.

Is Freemasonry political?

No. Freemasonry is not a political group. Politics is forbidden from being mentioned in Lodges as this disturbs the unity, peace and harmony of the Brotherhood.

What do Freemasons do?

Freemasons are a fraternity of brothers that follow the plan of the creator and help each man to be the best that they can be. The Creator is known by different names in different languages.

Can I quit Freemasonry anytime?

Yes, you can quit when you want to. Any Mason in good standing with paid annual dues can withdraw from membership anytime.

What are the requirements to become a Freemason?

Here are the requirements:

  1. You must be a man of good repute.
  2. You must believe in a Supreme Being for most lodges in the United States.
  3. Most US states Lodges require that you are older than 21 years old.
  4. You must live an ethical and moral life
  5. You must be capable of supporting yourself and your family
  6. You must have a strong desire to make a change in the world. You must want to make yourself a better man and make the world and your community a better place.

Are Lodge dues expensive?

Lodge dues are typically nominal fees in the United States. But they vary from Lodge to Lodge. Lodge views in some countries can be expensive while some remain nominal. You are advised to ask your lodge for the price of annual fees.

What will I gain from being a Free Mason?

  1. You will become part of a Brotherhood that want to see you succeed in all that you do. They will also help you as much as they can. So, you will never be truly alone again.
  2. You will learn to focus all your energies on a moral, upright and truthful life and remove negative excesses from your life.
  3. You will become a better man if you are willing to study and learn.

How do I initiate the process of becoming a Freemason?

  1. If you live in the United States, you can check your telephone directory for the phone number of a Masonic lodge near you. But lodges only meet twice a month and during a weekday in the evening so there may be no one to answer your call.
  2. You might see someone with a bumper sticker that says 2B1Ask1, and you can ask him to provide you with a petition. The petition for admission might not be with him but you can give him your name and phone number, and he will contact a member of the lodge that will contact you.
  3. You can contact your state or your country’s Grand Lodge via their website and request that someone contact you. This is the easiest way to begin.

What happens after initial contact?

  1. Arrangements will be made with you to discuss Freemasonry.
  2. An investigative committee which is a committee of members from the Lodge will contact you and arrange a meeting. All the questions that you have will be answered, and you will be asked if you want to fill a petition form if the meeting is satisfactory.
  3. The Investigative Committee will perform investigations on your character. Inquiries will be made from others. This might take a few weeks in the United States. In some other countries, the process could take as long as 2 years.
  4. Other lodge members will ballot upon your request for membership.
  5. Your date for admission will be advised or communicated to you.

How do I find a Masonic Lodge near me?

You can check online, and you will see registers of all lodges. You can contact the Grand Lodge in your country to let them direct you. The grand lodges have a list of all subordinate lodges within their jurisdiction.

Beware of fake Masonry!

You can’t join Freemasonry through the internet. You must contact a Lodge or Grand Lodge for directions on finding a lodge near where you live. There are some fake websites that will offer membership online and tell you to provide an online form and send payment and credit card information.

There are a lot of websites that provide false information, conspiracy theories and other malicious information about Freemasons. But there are a few trustworthy websites that do a good job of providing truthful information about the Brotherhood.

As more people learn about the true beliefs and ideals of the Brotherhood through this blog and others, the false information will fade away.

You can perform a simple Google search for Masonic lodges in your country.


Earl Jan S. Lamorin

Earl Jan S. Lamorin

I want to become a freemason to know more about God and to be a better person.

I want to become a freemason to know more about God and to be a better person.

Earl Jan S. Lamorin

Earl Jan S. Lamorin

Good day

Good day

Anthony Dillon

Anthony Dillon

I would like to join you in the brotherhood

I would like to join you in the brotherhood

Kasey loney

Kasey loney

these values are exactly what I feel in my heart I do align with all of these im a God fearing man that wants to make today better for tomarrow. I also love to help people

these values are exactly what I feel in my heart I do align with all of these im a God fearing man that wants to make today better for tomarrow. I also love to help people

Billy Hazelton Jr

Billy Hazelton Jr

I would like to be come a freemason

I would like to be come a freemason

Kevin Jenkins

Kevin Jenkins

I just like some info how to join

I just like some info how to join

Achuil Akok

Achuil Akok

I’m really rejoice when I read it all.
And I feel greaful to be a member.
IAM , from Africa Country South Sudan.

I’m really rejoice when I read it all.
And I feel greaful to be a member.
IAM , from Africa Country South Sudan.

Vince Glowacki

Vince Glowacki

I had always thought you had to be rich to join the Free Mason’s. I was told, recently, that you do not have to be rich. I am a very decent and honorable person. Honorably discharged from the USAF. Vietnam veteran. I have a
Master’s Degree in Theology & Religion. I would like to join the Mason’s to help improve the world and myself. Thank you, Vince.

I had always thought you had to be rich to join the Free Mason’s. I was told, recently, that you do not have to be rich. I am a very decent and honorable person. Honorably discharged from the USAF. Vietnam veteran. I have a
Master’s Degree in Theology & Religion. I would like to join the Mason’s to help improve the world and myself. Thank you, Vince.

Jason Wilkinson

Jason Wilkinson

Hello I am 50 years old , when I was 18 I was arrested and charged with assault, would this affect my application to become a Freemason?
Thank you (Jason)

Hello I am 50 years old , when I was 18 I was arrested and charged with assault, would this affect my application to become a Freemason?
Thank you (Jason)

gabriel Alex Daniels

gabriel Alex Daniels

I am 16 year’s old gabriel Daniels I play football I hope to play NFL football for the Cleveland Browns unmber 62 Gabriel Daniels and the Superbowl one day and I would like to become a Freemason
I am 16 year’s old gabriel Daniels I play football I hope to play NFL football for the Cleveland Browns unmber 62 Gabriel Daniels and the Superbowl one day and I would like to become a Freemason

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